We declarate the Climate Emergency
Every contractor / taker of a Wilderness Patagonia program is aware that THE COMPANY requires that the Participants of their programs understand and assume the responsibility they take when joining a program.
All passengers confirm with their hiring the acceptance of these General Conditions and must comply with all the terms and conditions of this Contract and all the “rules” and “regulations”, expressed by the representative of the company or guide in charge of the group.
Non-compliance with the guidelines, non-compliance with the security and hygiene measures established with respect to the relative protocols
to prevent the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19, the consumption of hallucinogenic substances or stimulants of any kind, or the breach by the passenger of the indications of the company representative or guide in charge of the group, may lead to the expulsion of the passenger from the activity as a way of maintaining the safety of the rest of the participants without any claim by the passenger and without right to refund of any kind.
Upon identifying respiratory symptoms or fever, the company must immediately contact the Emergency System of Local Health for evaluation and eventual transferred to a health institution, all suspected Coronaviruses must be reported COVID-19 to the local health authority. In the event that a contractor / taker of a Wilderness Patagonia program,
If symptoms related to Coronavirus COVID-19 are demonstrated, the company reserves the right of admission to them, applying a retention of 30% corresponding to expenses incurred, and proceeding to reimburse the balance of the value of the excursion on the days stipulated by the intermediary payment system that the contractor / policyholder has adopted to pay for the services.
Wilderness Patagonia is a registered trademark of GRUPO BFP SRL, CUIT 30 – 70934131 – 2; owner of the Travel Company and Turismo Legajo 12620 / Disp 1283 of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Argentine Nation), and has local ratings from the Provider Carlos Pelli, CUIT 20 – 25363429 – 5, with ratings as a Specialized Tourist Services Provider from the Province of Río Negro Resolution No. 071/17 ST; Municipality of San Carlos de Bariloche, rating No. 23; and, Administration of National Parks Res. HD 206 – 2016 and 30 – 2018 | Disp. PNNH 724 – 2018 and 835 – 2019.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.