Terms & Booking Conditions
General terms and conditions
By accessing this site (www.wildernesspatagonia.com), you agree that its use will be subject to the conditions established in this Legal Statement and all applicable laws. If you disagree and accept, without limitation or qualification, these terms, please exit the site.
Future passengers and users of Wilderness Patagonia services must read carefully and accept all the conditions of this document. These General Terms and Conditions of Contract are applicable to all our programs, each destination in particular has its own annexes, due to the individual characteristics of its location, geography, fauna, political situation, etc.
This site and all of its content, including, but not limited to, all text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, software, and the presentation contained in this document, belong to Wilderness Patagonia. The design and layout of this site (the appearance of the site) is the sole property of Wilderness Patagonia and may not be used, copied, distributed or displayed in any way. All trademarks, logos or service marks, whether registered or unregistered, are the property of Wilderness Patagonia. This site may contain proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed.
Wilderness Patagonia grants you a limited license to make personal use of the site. Except as otherwise stated, you are not granted any rights or licenses by implication, impairment or otherwise, to use, reproduce, transmit, execute, publish, license, modify, rewrite, create derivative works, transfer or sell any of the contents or information contained in this site, which includes, among others, any intellectual property of Wilderness Patagonia.
Your limited use license does not include, without limitation:
Any reselling or commercial use of the site or its content;
– the collection and use of any product listing or descriptions;
make use of the site and its contents; and,
– use of any data mining, robots or similar methods of data collection and extraction.
You may not use, frame, or use framing techniques to include any trademarks, Wilderness Patagonia logos, or other proprietary information (including images found on this Site, the content of any text, or the design / layout of any page or form included on one page) without the express written consent of Wilderness Patagonia. Furthermore, you may not use any meta tag or any other “hidden text” that uses any Wilderness Patagonia name, trademark or product name without the express written consent of Wilderness Patagonia.
You may not use images on this site without first seeking the express permission of Wilderness Patagonia to obtain high-resolution formats. To request permission to use the intellectual property of Wilderness Patagonia, send your request in writing to our Marketing Director at [email protected]. Wilderness Patagonia reserves the right to reject any request for permission for any reason.
Any unauthorized use of this site will terminate the limited license and / or rights granted in this document. Unauthorized use of Wilderness Patagonia intellectual property may violate applicable laws, including copyright laws, trademark laws (including commercial image), and communications statutes and regulations. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including seeking criminal prosecution when warranted.
Changes and accuracy of information
The information can be modified or updated without prior notice. Wilderness Patagonia may also make improvements and / or changes in the products and / or programs described in this information at any time without prior notice.
Wilderness Patagonia assumes no responsibility regarding the accuracy of the information provided by this site and the use of such information is the responsibility of the recipient. The information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors and may not be complete. Please note that such errors, inaccuracies or omissions may be related to the price of the items available to view on this site. Wilderness Patagonia reserves the right to cancel or refuse to accept any order made for any reason. Prices and availability are subject to change without prior notice.
Wilderness Patagonia apologizes for any inconvenience.
Wilderness Patagonia has made every effort to ensure that the colors of the images on its Site, including those of the items for sale, are represented as accurately as possible. However, as monitors and other user equipment vary, Wilderness Patagonia cannot guarantee that your monitor’s color display is accurate.
Global availability
The information that Wilderness Patagonia publishes on the World Wide Web may contain references or cross-references to Wilderness Patagonia products, programs and services that are not advertised or available in your country. Such references do not imply that Wilderness Patagonia intends to advertise such products, programs or services in your country. For more information on such items, contact Wilderness Patagonia.
Wilderness Patagonia’s obligations regarding its products and services are governed solely by the agreements under which they are provided. The indications of the products and services of Wilderness Patagonia shown on this site are for the sole purpose of being representative.
Liability exclusion
The use of the site and any of its contents or functions is at your own risk. In no case will Wilderness Patagonia or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, contractors, representatives, employees, successors or assigns, or any other party involved in the creation, production or delivery of this Site, be liable to any party. for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or other damages derived from any use of this site or content, or in any other hyperlinked website, including, among others, any loss of benefits, commercial interruption, loss of programs or other data about their information or other management systems, even if we are expressly informed of the possibility of such damage. Because some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for indirect or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
This Legal Statement cannot be modified, except in writing. If any of these terms will be considered illegal, null or for any non-enforceable reason, that provision will be separated from these terms and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
The purchase of any of the travel services offered by Wilderness Patagonia (with its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, contractors, representatives, employees, successors or assigns, collectively referred to as “Wilderness Patagonia”) creates a relationship contract between Wilderness Patagonia and You, the client / participant in the services or in the travel package and represents your acceptance of the terms and conditions of your travel package that appears in this document (the “General Terms and Conditions of Contract” ).
Please read the following information carefully. The hiring of any of our programs indicates the acceptance by the passenger or contractor of all the Terms and Conditions. They are available online on the website www.wildernesspatagonia.com or you can request a copy in PDF, for reservations made by phone, sign and return the acknowledgment form sent to you by Wilderness Patagonia. For those who send the documentation through our web forms, you must indicate your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions by checking the corresponding box when confirming the sending of online reservation data.
Wilderness Patagonia is a company registered and enabled by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports from Argentina, Ministry of Tourism of the Province of Río Negro, the Municipality of San Carlos de Bariloche and the Administration of National Parks, thus having all the necessary authorizations and corresponding insurance for the realization of the excursions provided and reserves the right to modify this document whenever it deems appropriate and without prior notice.
You are advised to check the Wilderness Patagonia website located at www.wildernesspatagonia.com for the latest update date of the Wilderness Patagonia Terms and Conditions or write to us to request the latest version before booking your travel program.
Personal information
We will not ask you for information that is not for a purpose and we do not require information to be disclosed that is not absolutely necessary. We are the sole owners of the information obtained and it will not be sold or commercialized with third parties. Except as required by law, the personal data of users will not be disclosed to third parties.
Our staff may take pictures or film during any of our visits, for promotional purposes. If you prefer that your image not be used, please notify us before the departure of the trip.
Acceptance of passenger partition, behavior agreement and expulsion policies of an activity
Every contractor / taker of a Wilderness Patagonia program is aware that THE COMPANY requires that the participants of its programs understand and assume the responsibility they take when joining a program of the same. All passengers confirm with their hiring the acceptance of these General Conditions and must comply with all the terms and conditions of this Contract and all the “rules” and “regulations”, expressed by the representative of the company or guide in charge of the group.
Failure to comply with the guidelines, the consumption of hallucinogenic or stimulating substances of any kind or the passenger’s failure to comply with the instructions of the company representative or guide in charge of the group, may lead to the expulsion of the passenger from the activity as a form to maintain the safety of the rest of the participants without any claim from the passenger and without the right to reimbursement of any kind.
Wilderness Patagonia is a registered trademark of GRUPO BFP SRL, CUIT 30 – 70934131 – 2; owner of the Travel and Tourism Company Legajo 12620 / Disp 1283 of the Secretary of Tourism of the Argentine Nation), and has local ratings from the Provider Carlos Pelli, CUIT 20 – 25363429 – 5, with ratings as a Specialized Tourist Services Provider of the Province of Río Negro Resolution N ° 071/17 ST; Municipality of San Carlos de Bariloche, rating No. 23; and, Administration of National Parks Res. HD 206 – 2016 and 30 – 2018.
IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ: We reiterate, your purchase is subject to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
If you have any questions, please call us at our Wilderness Patagonia business service number at (+54 9) 294 4710 692 or write to us at [email protected]
Effective from June 27, 2020. Wilderness Patagonia – All rights reserved.
Read more about us at: www.wildernesspatagonia.com – Follow us at: @WildernessPatag on Twitter | Wilderness Patagonia on Facebook or Wilderness Patagonia @wildernesspatagonia.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.